Here you will find up to date information about the club, including all of our policies


Registration is easy. Complete the enrolment form on the website to start the process!

We will ask for personal information relating to your child i.e. school attended, date of birth, allergies, any special needs etc. You will need to complete an enrolment form for each child that you wish to register with the club. All details provided will be treated in the utmost confidence and only current records will be held on our computer for administration.


Payment of Invoices

Invoices will be raised at the end of each month and are due for payment within 14 days. Cash, cheques (made payable to Sandmartins) and recognised childcare vouchers are accepted. Payments can also be paid by bank transfer. Late payment of invoices will incur a minimum administration fee of £5.00 (please see payment policy for more information).


Cancellation and Additional Charges

During term time, a minimum notice period of one week must be given or the following charges apply:

Sessions where the minimum notice period is not received will be invoiced in line with the normal session fees. In addition an administrative charge of £5.00 may be incurred.

Where children are sent home from school during the day, the club reserves the right to make a minimum charge of £5.50, providing the club is advised of the position.

Also, in exceptional circumstances where the required minimum notice is not received, the club reserves the right to make a minimum charge of £4.50 for morning sessions and £5.50 for afternoon sessions instead of the usual attendance fee.

After School Clubs/Activities

Late arrivals after 4.30pm can be accommodated on arrangement, with a flat fee of £5.50 charged. However in order to keep a permanent booking available on sessions cancelled for activities, a reserve fee of £5.50 will be made for each place held open.


A minimum of one week's notice is required, fees are half less than a week's full fee.

Out of hours charges

£5.00 per 15 minutes outside of normal opening hours per child.

Registration fees

Due each Autumn term. Single child is £15.00, family is £20.00
School Holidays ONLY £5.00 per term