
Price List 2024

Morning Sessions (7.30am includes breakfast to 8.15am) Old Rate New Rate

Booked to

School attendance time depending on year group £5.00 £ 5.50


Afternoon Sessions 3.pm to 6pm

3pm to 4pm £6.00 £7.00

First part half hour to 4.30pm £3.00 £3.00

Second part half hour to 5.00 pm £2.50 £2.50 Per part half hour thereafter £1.50 £ 1.50

Minimum Charge £6.00 £ 7.00

Holiday Sessions 7.30.am to 1.00pm and 1.00pm to 5.30pm


Per session £17.00 £19.00

Day rate 6 to 10 hours £26.00 £28.00

Day rate second child £26.00 £28.00

Part sessions per part hour £ 4.00 £ 4.50

Minimum daily charge £17.00 £19.00

Advertised trip fees are in addition to session fee and are charged at cost based on transport and entrance fees.

All places must be booked in advance. Charges will be based on the time your child/children are collected during term time. See above pricing


Invoices will be raised at the end of each month and are due for payment within 14 days of receipt Cash, cheques (payable to Sandmartins) and recognised Childcare vouchers are accepted.

Payments can also be made by Bank Transfer.

Cancellation Charges

Term time- The following charges apply:

  • Cancellations will be subject to payment of the minimum charge of £7.00 for afternoons and £5.50 for mornings instead of the usual attendance fee. Where a permanent cancellation is made one week’s minimum notice is required of the cancellation.

In addition an administrative charge of £5 will be incurred where No Notice is given of cancellation

  • Where children are sent home or taken out of school during the day the Club reserves the right to make a minimum charge of £7.00 per pm session. No Notice fee will also be charged if the club is not informed.

  • Notice of any cancellation can be left on the Club’s telephone answer phone service or sent by email to val@vbowbanks.plus.com.


Holiday Club The following charges apply:

  • Minimum one weeks notice half fee, less than a week full fee.

Also a holiday registration fee of £5.00 is available for each individual holiday if you do not

elect to pay an annual registration

Reserve Fees for School Clubs and Holidays

  • Where children do not attend the Club due to being on holiday or attending a school club a reserve Fee of £7.00 will be payable for the pm session and £5.50 for the morning session on the days they do not attend to hold their place open.

Out of Hours Charges

£7.00 per part 15 minutes outside of normal opening hours per child.

Annual Registration Fees due each Autumn Term, Single £15, Family £20.


1st April 2024 for Morning Sessions and Afternoon Sessions

2nd April 2024 for Holiday Club Sessions